Here Are The Best Sources for Purchasing Microgreen Radish Seeds

Posted in Reviews on December 15, 2020

If you have been reading our blog for a while and especially the success stories, you may have already noticed that most farmers start growing just a few kinds of microgreens and of course radish is one of the top ones.

The radish microgreens are ready for harvesting within 10 days and also come with their bright colors and flavor.

Let's take a look at a few reputable brand names and the marketplaces they are listed on. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

Mountain Valley Seed Co.

One of the most reputable brands for microgreen seeds in general is Mountain Valley Seed Co. At the moment of writing this post they offer about 30 kinds of microgreen radish seeds. with just a few of them being out of stock.

And probably the best place to purchase seeds from this company is True Leaf Market.

Notice the number of reviews their items have. This is a great testament of the quality of their supplies, but this is just scratching on the surface.

The company is founded back in 1974 and since then they focus on providing farmers with a wide variety of blue ribbon seeds at wholesale prices.

They have a great authority built over the decades and definitely one of the best places to purchase microgreen seeds from.

Here's a list of alternative marketplaces where you can purchase Mountain Valley seeds from.

Radish Microgreen Seeds Available on Amazon

There's plenty of choice on Amazon as well. Here are a couple of brands worth checking:

Learn more about the story of Mountain Valley Seed Co. from this article published at the Home Garden Seed Association website.

Johnny's Seeds

Johny's Seeds is another reputable marketplace for seeds currently offering about 10 different kinds of radish microgreen seeds.

Radish Microgreen Seeds offered by Johnny's Seeds

They have a few Johnny's exclusive items worth taking a look at.

HomeMicrogreens as an alternative for Purple Rambo Radish Microgreen Seed

HomeMicrogreens is a small brand and at the moment of writing this blog post they offer only the Purple Rambo Radish Microgreen Seed.

We decided it's worth adding this brand, because we simply enjoy supporting smaller brands offering quality seeds as well.

Purple Sango and Dragon Radish by High Mowing Organic Seeds

High Mowing Seeds Logo

High Moving Organic Seeds was founded in 1996 when Tom Stearns started growing a limited number of varieties in his backyard.

Currently they offer Purple Sango and Dragon Radish you can take a look at here.

If you're curious in exploring meaningful facts about the brands you're purchasing from you'll find out that there's a serious vision that drives this company ahead and it is based on a goal to leverage the power of seed to transform our world.

The team behind the brand is really committed to delivering high quality seeds and spread their vision across the world.

We can go on one in featuring high quality marketplaces about radish microgreen seeds. At the same time we're curious about asking where do you purchase your own seeds from?

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