Alberta Based Farm Microleaf Greens is on a Mission to Educate and Bring Healthy Produce to Your Table

Posted in Success Stories on June 8, 2020
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This time we are happy to share the story of Microleaf Greens - another authentic farm located in Alberta, Canada.

What's your name? What’s the Name of your farm and where are you based? 

My name is Matus Toth and we run Microleaf Greens in Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada.

Spruce Grove is located east of Edmonton

What's the story behind Microleaf Greens?

Few years back we found out that our kids have lots of digestive issues. We have got on the health ban vago. We have started to buy everything organic and fresh out of local farms. Shortly after we moved to the country and started to plant our own veggies. After a short while we have graduated to  plant some microgreens. All along we have started to advocate healthy living and healthy eating. 

Matus Toth, founder of Microleaf Greens
Matus Toth, founder of Microleaf Greens

Eventually friends were asking me to bring some veggies and microgreens for them. This eventually turned into a nice small business for me and my family. 

What's the funniest/most exciting story you've experienced while running the farm?

Not sure if it is funny but from time to time you get an order from your neighbor or friend and they have no idea you are doing this even though you told them a million times. Not much fun just day to day activities to keep the greens growing. 

What types of microgreens and other produce are you currently growing?

We grow a variety of microgreens, but the most common ones are:

  • Arugula
  • Broccoli
  • Radish
  • Wheat grass
  • Some green leafy mixes

We also do all the other ones like peas, brown mustard, purple basil etc. 

What makes your produce different?

For starters they are healthier and mainly tastier. As everybody knows there is a difference in taste between organic and generic store brands. 

What type of clients do you currently serve and what locations do you cover?

Mostly individual families trying to practice healthy living.

What's Your Mission?

Well as our slogan says we are your source of healthy greens however the mission is to educate and bring healthy produce to your table.

This is what Matus calls Breakfast 2.0

Sadly, a lot of smaller farms and ones that started just recently are struggling to survive due to the huge drop in sales this spring. 

Based on your experience, what would you suggest farms in a similar position think about?

Yes we have felt the slow down as well as everybody did. But in any situation you have to adapt by offering free delivery, offering gift cards, recurring orders. One important thing is to make sure your customer knows you have taken all the necessary precautions to keep everybody safe.

The Final Rapid 3:

  • What’s your favorite course and/or book that helped you learn the in depth knowledge on growing microgreens and starting a business:

These days there is a lot of information online, whether it is google or youtube. There are many online courses which will teach you all about growing microgreens.

  • What are your 3 most favorite farm tools you can’t really run the farm with?

There are many gadgets everybody uses one I will mention is that we have found to use the 10x20 double trays. One perforated and one solid and for better harvesting ability we use the short edge ones.

Microleaf Greens Logo

What to do next?

If you enjoyed Microleaf Greens’ story please do share it on your social media profiles. You can also PM them your questions using any of the social media profiles described below:

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